Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bologna Sliders & Sweet Tea

Recently, I visited a place that reminded me of my childhood, that took me back to a time when the pace was slower and folks sat across from one another to talk...a place with a purpose to feed hungry and hurting people.

The place...Grave's Grocery, a local country store in Lacey's Spring, owned by Pam Graves, single mom of five, lover of God, family and community.  The logo on her shirt reads...

                                             Community Rest Stop
                          A Place To Satisfy Your Hunger And Your Heart

 Yes, indeed!  Pam's store represents that which is simple and good...uncomplicated food, all the sweet tea you can hold and friendly, down-to-earth service.  You will definitely have your hunger satiated in more ways than one and if you stay long enough to get to visit with Pam, consider it an extra treat, no charge!

Pam not only cooks and serves...she shares her life with you.  Where else can you go for a bologna slider and the possibility that the one who made it might just pray with you before you leave?  Pam bought the grocery store as a means to provide for her children, but it's more than that.  You see, I believe Grave's Grocery is like a church and Pam is the minister.  She preaches every day in the way she smiles and speaks and shows an interest in the people who walk through her door, but she also takes every opportunity to let Christ's love emanate through her.  Thing is, Pam's message is palpable whether she's working the cash register or serving up her delectable chicken salad.  She's genuine, unassuming, guileless, humble...a living, breathing sermon!

On Saturday, July 27th, Pam hosted River of Life Market, her first open air event for artisans and vendors selling their wares.  The morning was a success and the pictures below were taken by me, an amateur photographer just trying to capture the essence of this most charming place. When I arrived, the parking lot was full, as was the diner.  I ordered the special of the day: a pulled pork sandwich with hot slaw (it was listed on the menu handwritten on a chalkboard...*sigh).
All the food that is sold at Grave's Grocery is fairly priced and worth every penny.  Plus, you can eat in peace and you.can.not.put.a.price.on.peace~ 

Grave's Grocery is as unique and full of personality as it's owner (and, no, she did not pay me or coerce me in any way to write this post!)  So, if you could use a rest from life's journey, stop in to sit a spell and shoot the breeze...you might get a hankering for Pam's homemade grilled pimento & cheese sandwich, a big glass of sweet tea and of course, a smile and a prayer on the side~

                                                              A Wonderful Place
                                                                  Open Air Market
                                                            Gotta Love A Front Porch

                                                            Come Inside to Shop
                                                    The Community Bulletin Board


                                                           Head Honcho, Pam Graves
                                                                    Her friend, Pat
                                                         My mouth-watering lunch
Happy Customers 

Kid's Zone


  1. Glad to find your blog. I think I'd like Pam and her grocery.

  2. Thanks, Leah!! I just added your blog to my blog roll. Can't wait to catch up with some of your older posts!! Be blessed~
