Monday, November 7, 2016

A Change of Plans I approach my 60th birthday, I am spending some time reminiscing, pondering, meditating and accepting where I am in my life. Ten years ago, I made plans to take a big, exciting trip with my family for my big, exciting birthday! I dreamed of Hawaii or maybe backpacking through Europe! But, God had other plans for me! I've discovered that the way to peace and joy is in the choosing...choosing to embrace God's plan, to surrender to it. I have to say that after living for Jesus for almost 47 years, I've finally grown tired of striving, controlling, fretting, regretting.

I am learning that my life can get out of balance really quickly. The more I add on, the less I hear God! The less I hear from Him, the more restless I feel! That's why, lately, I've been thinking of Mary, Jesus' close friend. She led a quiet life of worship instead of running herself ragged like her sister! And, the Lord said that she had chosen well!! I want to be known as a woman in love with Jesus and in love with people, not someone who is busy, busy, busy. I am giving up that badge. Apparently, Jesus is not a huge fan of the rat race, so I am choosing to settle down and embrace the holy experiences of a simple life!

I'm not sure what that will look like, but I do know that it will mean saying "no" to things that I will feel guilty about at first! It will definitely mean saying "yes" to only the best things! I'm hoping that it will mean more time at the feet of Jesus and then taking to others what He gives me. It surely will mean not having my own agenda, but staying open to the Spirit's leading!

Katrina Kenison, in Mitten Strings For God, writes that so often we are the ones who make our lives more complicated than they need to be! That rings true in my life, but it doesn't mean I will stay shut up inside, away from the world! What it does mean is that I will carefully consider every decision concerning my time, money, energy and relationships.

It's freeing, really...this new resolve to live one day at a time and to live it well!! I have grown so weary of the feeling that there's always something I should be doing. I'm looking forward to my quiet, still, boring existence! You'll most likely find me on my porch swing~

A Change of Plans I approach my 60th birthday, I am spending some time reminiscing, pondering, meditating and accepting where I am in my life. Ten years ago, I made plans to take a big, exciting trip with my family for my big, exciting birthday! I dreamed of Hawaii or maybe backpacking through Europe! But, God had other plans for me! I've discovered that the way to peace and joy is in the choosing...choosing to embrace God's plan, to surrender to it. I have to say that after living for Jesus for almost 47 years, I've finally grown tired of striving, controlling, fretting, regretting.

I am learning that my life can get out of balance really quickly. The more I add on, the less I hear God! The less I hear from Him, the more restless I feel! That's why, lately, I've been thinking of Mary, Jesus' close friend. She led a quiet life of worship instead of running herself ragged like her sister! And, the Lord said that she had chosen well!! I want to be known as a woman in love with Jesus and in love with people, not someone who is busy, busy, busy. I am giving that up that badge. Apparently, Jesus is not a huge fan of the rat race, so I am choosing to settle down and embrace the holy experiences of a simple life!

I'm not sure what that will look like, but I do know that it will mean saying "no" to things that I will feel guilty about at first! It will definitely mean saying "yes" to only the best things! I'm hoping that it will mean more time at the feet of Jesus and then taking to others what He gives me. It surely will mean not having my own agenda, but staying open to the Spirit's leading!

Katrina Kenison, in Mitten Strings For God, writes that so often we are the ones who make our lives more complicated than they need to be! That rings true in my life, but it doesn't mean I will stay shut up inside, away from the world! What it does mean is that I will carefully consider every decision concerning my time, money, energy and my relationships.

It's freeing, really...this new resolve to live one day at a time and to live it well!! I have grown so weary of the feeling that there's always something I should be doing. I'm looking forward to my quiet, still, boring existence! You'll most likely find me on my porch swing~